Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Handsome Doogle

We all hear so very often about the evils of puppy mills and the evidence of the neglect and cruelty that people can visit upon dogs they treat only as sources of income.  We, at Last Day Dog Rescue (LDDR), fervently advise folks to avoid these operations in hopes of making them less profitable; even drive them out of business one day. 

We all hear about high-kill shelters which can be an assembly line of death for so many unwanted or stray dogs.  We, at LDDR, encourage all potential pet owners to adopt one of these dogs. 

We, at LDDR, will even go so far as to advise anyone who opts for purchase over adoption to do their homework and choose a good and respectable breeder for their future canine companion. 

All of these issues are near and dear to our hearts and those of all people who simply know and appreciate the “person,” love and dignity of a dog.

Here’s an almost unbelievable tale of heartbreak and reunion.  It’s the story of a dog named “Dugle.”

Dugle (aka “Doogle”), born one of nine pups in June, 2003, is a German Short-Haired Pointer of excellent breeding; smart, beautiful, friendly, obedient, eager to learn – all the best traits of any dog.  And it was shortly thereafter that Dugle’s breeder, Susie Gross, with confidence and in trust, gave him over to a woman in New Haven, MI.  As with any good breeder, she did so with a verbal promise to take him back, whatever the circumstances, should the new owner ever need to give him up. 

In February of this year, LDDR was notified by a shelter in Macomb County, MI, that a healthy and wonderful German Short-Haired Pointer was to be put to sleep within the hour.  He was rescued, cleaned up and placed in foster care, with sure hope that he would be recognized for the great dog he is and quickly adopted out.

Doogle as a pup
As fate would have it, just this month, Cathy Reece, who owns one of Dugle’s brothers, Buddy, came across a posted portrait (and plea for adoption) by professional photographer and LDDR volunteer Dee Maggio.  Though the spelling was different, Cathy was nearly positive that LDDR’s “Doogle” was Susie Gross’s “Dugle” and called her to say so. 

Susie checked the page and concurred; she was sure this was her Dugle.  She even took the initiative to contact the woman to whom she had sold Dugle and ask after his condition.  The woman told her, stammeringly, that the dog had been given over to her brother, and she could not say if he was still in possession of him.  Tearfully, Susan phoned LDDR to ask for Dugle and was encouraged to make her application for adoption. 

Four days later, with her application approved, in receipt of a glowing recommendation from her veterinary practice, and having passed a perfect “virtual” home visit, and Susie and Dugle were reunited…this time for good.  Heartbroken over his careless turning over by the buyer to her brother, and his subsequent, callous disposal of the dog, Susie has vowed she’ll never let him leave her care again. 

Doogle's siblings - they get to play together all the time now!
Thankfully, for Dugle, for Susie, and for all of us at LDDR, this story has a happy ending.  But let this stand as a lesson for all:  even the most ethical, well-intentioned and confident breeder can find his/her dog in the hands of an irresponsible, uncaring person.  What little effort it might have taken for “Ms. New Haven” to have called Susie and arranged for his safe return into her hands; for the brother to have notified his sister that he could not keep the dog. 

That Dugle was saved from the shelter is lucky, that he fared so well in fostering is comforting, that he ended in the hands of his very breeder is nothing short of miraculous!
Doogle - SAFE with his original family

Susie, Dugle, we congratulate you and we celebrate with you.  What has come full-circle is one of the proudest reasons that we do what we do. 

Written By:  Mark C. Bernazzoli 

To donate, you can go to our web site www.lastdaydogrescue.org
or mail a donation to: Last Day Dog Rescue P.O. Box 51935 Livonia, MI 48151-5935 Fax: 734-786-0729 Email us at: ourlastdaydogs@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. This is one of THE best stories ever, and I have been lucky to know the woman who took him in for fostering. In my eyes, LDDR has been one of the best rescue groups, and I hope, hah hahaha, I will be able to foster or adopt from you. I now have my Cairn babe (Addisonian) and 2 beautiful rescue dogs, that my husband and I adopted 3 and 1 year ago. Dugle is one lucky boy, and he IS where he belongs. Sigh, I love happy endings.
